Hidden in Velp - never told stories about courage, resistance and people in hiding
In 63 short stories, 49 places in Velp are described. Almost all aspects of the Second World War are included. This makes the book interesting for people not from Velp as well.
Author: Gety Hengeveld. Published by the Velp voor Oranje Foundation 2013 and 2014. ISBN 978 90 81058 2 0 9. Price: € 15,50.
For sale at all Velp bookstores. Or to order by webshop or by phone: +31 26 3628959. In Arnhem, Velp, Rheden and Rozendaal the book will be delivered free of charge.

Velp and the war 1940-1945
Published in 1946 and written by Steven Jansen based on a diary he kept between 1939 and 1945. The book is an interesting document of a village in wartime. During the Battle of Arnhem, Velp was in the middle of the front area.
Author: Steven Jansen. Published in 1946. Republished by Stichting Velp voor Oranje in 2006 and 2015. ISBN 978 90 81058 2 3. Price: € 13,50.
For sale at all Velp bookstores. Or to order by webshop or by phone: +31 26 3628959. In Arnhem, Velp, Rheden and Rozendaal the book will be delivered free of charge.

Memories of the Liberation of Velp
Is a unique publication with more than 90 photos, of which about 50 emerged for the first time from family albums and shoe boxes. The photographs are accompanied by recorded memories and diary fragments. This combination has made it possible to create a gripping and fairly complete picture of the events surrounding the liberation of Velp on 16 April 1945.
Compilation: Gety Hengeveld-de Jong. Published in 2005 and 2010. ISBN 978 90 81058 2 1 6. Price: € 14,50.
For sale at all Velp bookstores. Or to order by webshop or by phone: +31 26 3628959. In Arnhem, Velp, Rheden and Rozendaal the book will be delivered free of charge.